Pink Amethyst Freeform

Sale price$145.00

This pink amethyst freeform measures is approx. 3.75 inches tall and has a base width of approx. 2 inches wide. Pink Amethyst is most commonly found in regions with amethyst deposits, such as Brazil, Uruguay, and Madagascar.


Pink amethyst is thought to connect to the zodiac signs of Pisces and Libras as well as the heart chakra. Metaphysically, pink amethyst is connected to spiritual growth and promotes feelings of love, empathy, and emotional healing. The planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune are connected to this gem. Elementally, this crystal finds compatible energy with wind. 

Pink Amethyst Freeform
Pink Amethyst Freeform Sale price$145.00
Pink Amethyst Freeform
Pink Amethyst Freeform Sale price$145.00

Pink Amethyst





Astrological Signs
